Alexander DzimbaMervin Mchenga2024-06-28T06:17:38+00:00 Alexander Dzimba Acting Director of Human Resources & Management Mr. Alexander Dzimba is a Human Resources Management Practitioner with over 20 years of…
Delano UlanjeMervin Mchenga2024-04-08T13:39:06+00:00 Delano Ulanje Acting Director of Finance Delano Ulanje is a Finance Expert with extensive knowledge and experience in Financial Accounting…
Videlia MluwiraMervin Mchenga2024-04-08T13:59:12+00:00 Videlia Mluwira Director of Corporate Services and Company Secretary Videlia Mluwira is a Legal Practitioner by profession having graduated from the University of…
Eng. Dr. Maxon ChitawoMervin Mchenga2024-04-18T07:40:51+00:00 Eng. Dr. Maxon Chitawo Acting Chief Executive Officer Dr. Maxon Lexon Chitawo is an experienced Engineer in both technical and administrative fields….
Eng. Dr. Gregory GamulaMervin Mchenga2024-04-08T14:02:39+00:00 Eng. Dr. Gregory Gamula Director of Planning & Development Eng. Dr. Gregory Gamula is a graduate of the University of Malawi—The Polytechnic (1992)…