On Saturday, 5 June 2021, female engineers from EGENCO inspired and motivated young secondary school girls in Phalombe when they took part in the launch of a Girls Mentorship Program by the Shaping Our Future Foundation (SOFF) at Phalombe Secondary School.
The female engineers demonstrated to the young girls that they can succeed in Science, Technical, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects and pursue careers in engineering and other related fields that are male dominated.
Wakisa Msiska, one of the female engineers who works as Operations Engineer encouraged the young girls to work hard in order for them to make it.
“If we are able to deliver, you as well can, provided you forge ahead with your education.” Msiska said.
One of the young girls, Fagret Kajawo, was inspired and motivated by the female engineers.
“I now know I can equally perform in male-dominated fields, I look forward to being an influential figure in the society”, said Kajawo.
Minister of Education, Hon. Agnes Nyalonje presided over the launch.

EGENCO implements a number of initiatives aimed at encouraging the involvement of female students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Among them includes a scholarship programme that benefits female students from Nkula and Chikwawa Community Day Secondary Schools.